For years, yogurt has been an important part of my breakfasts, and after having been introduced to the Turkish cuisine and their yogurt based sauces, I've started eating it next to dinners as well. I'm not only a lover of yogurt, but I am also a bit of a snob; although I wouldn't refuse any yogurt, I know what I like: half litre jars of skim natural yogurt that is so thick it could stand on its head! (My favourite brand is Konings BioGarde - I get the same kind of kicks from digging my spoon into it as some others get from cracking the surface of créme brûlée.)

Luckily, I'm not alone with this fetish. My boyfriend loves yogurt as well, and although he is not as obsessive about it as I am, he is quite an expert, too. He prefers the creamier kind, the real Turkish yogurt, which we sometimes buy from the local Turkish market. They sell it in 1 litre buckets, and by time we have gotten ourselves a nice collection of empty buckets. Now, that kind of buckets can come in very handy, especially if you live in an old house in a tiny room without much storing space and plenty of snacking opportunities for mice. We store our pastas, breads, nuts and lentils inside the empty buckets, keeping all the food away from any unwanted peeping guests. One day, I looked at our kitchen counter and got an idea: if we were to keep the buckets piled up in there, then at least I could make them look a bit nicer.
So, that was my little project yesterday:

Our pasta box shall be next in the DIY line!
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