25 May 2011

Chanel nro. 5?

"Just drew a perfume bottle with tarantula legs - might have ruined the glamour of fragrances for good."


That's what I tweeted last week, and now that itsy bitsy spider perfume has some nice (..?) hairy legs and a bit colour on its cheeks as well. I like!


19 May 2011

1 May 2011

What I wore today

Last week, I ran into this super nice blog called What I Wore Today. Yes, I know there are plenty of blogs with pictures of random outfits of random people, but this one is different: it's a blog and a flickr group for those who don't like posting photos of themselves on the web, but do like drawing. Hence, no typical fashion blogger poses here, just heaps of illustrated outfits drawn by different people.

I love the idea and the way Gemma Correll, the brain behind this project, has put it all together, and today whilst idling my Sunday away the itch to contribute got too big.

So before I start jabbering: ta-daa!

What I wore today by Emmi Ojala

PS. I kid you not, everybody seriously thought I was French. Oh mon dieu, what a cliché!