16 Nov 2011

From the list of ultimate dreams and a call for contributors


For real. I've just let my pencils take a rest in the drawer and put on my fashion student goggles instead to finish my degree in Amsterdam Fashion Institute. So yes, my walls are getting filled with to-do lists and I'm back on a dark chocolate diet again (works really well if you need to stay up late, hinthint). But actually, I really enjoy it. Why? Because on my list of ultimate dreams there's a point for "making a book or a magazine", and that's exactly what I'm doing: making a bookazine.

The bookazine will be based on and inspired by the Free Fashion Challenge, an online project that challenged 15 fashion addicts to stop shopping for one year. It will tell the most compelling stories of the participants, gathering their successes, failures, tips, tricks and discoveries between two covers. The bookazine will be like a collective diary with a heart of a fashion guide and the inspiring looks of fashion magazines, showcasing the creative side of fashion outside the cycle of ceaseless consumption.

I'm collaborating with Laura De Jong, the founder of the Free Fashion Challenge, and together we're planning on publishing this bookazine with a small assignment book for doing your own shopping sabbatical. However, to make the bookazine the eye candy of the year, we will need help, and as a doodle devotee and an illustrator myself, who else would I turn to on that matter if not the community of illustrators! In other words, we're now looking contributors, so if you fancy getting featured, give us a shout at FFC.Publications@gmail.com

Find out more about the FFC publications here and psst, drop a hint to all your other illustrator friends as well!